Sunday, May 11, 2014

10 June 1974

Kolo Ridge
10 June 1974

Dear Mum & Dad,

Our garden boy didn't turn up today, his sister told us that he fell off his bike over the weekend. This bike is his pride & joy & he bought it with his first lot of wages from us. I hope he is not too badly injured. He lives in a village quite a way from here & actually in jungle & off what you might call the beaten track. We got the car to the top of the ridge overlooking Jimmy’s village in the valley one weekend on a drive but wished we hadn't because it was nearly impossible to turn the car around & I nearly got it bogged.

                                                      Jimmy's Village

 We asked him to build a leaf house in the back yard over Darren’s sandpit to keep it cool & shady. He has finished the main structure & now I have to organise getting some leaf for the roof. There is a village about 4 miles out of town that sells it already to put on the roof frame.

He does a good job in the garden & at the moment his major project is levelling our back yard. The ground is full of coral & it is very difficult to keep any imported topsoil.

We have discovered a beautiful beach only 14 miles out of town & we have had at least 3 picnics there. Sundays are our picnic days. This beach is really something out of the box & before we leave I must take some pictures for you with a decent camera. Apart from a few bits & pieces of aircraft it is perfect. We got out there by 9 am last Sunday & we thought what it would be like at that moment in Melbourne as we lay on the beach (under the palms). That’s one of the perks that we like about this place.

It has just started to really pour & water is coming in our front door. Our house hasn’t got any guttering & the water just streams off the roof & creates furrows in the ground.

Shane is quite miserable at the moment. He has cut one tooth on the bottom gum & one on the top which apparently is called cross cutting & the most painful way to do it. In addition he has a bad cold.

Something which Darren has been doing for quite a few months but which I haven’t mentioned is quite basic but I find amazing. He takes himself to the toilet & the strangest thing, first thing in the morning is to hear his little feet hit the deck & without a murmur (I'm sure he keeps his eyes nearly shut so he wont wake up too much) he stomps into the toilet, sound effects, presses the button & stomps back to bed. It’s like we have guests in the house.

I cant really think of anything else at the moment so I will finish up. Hope you are both feeling well.

Love from all of us,


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